On Friday 22 April, Maltalingua celebrated its 10th anniversary. 10 years of learning English, 10 years of friendships, 10 years of laughter, 10 years since […]

Discover Comino & the Blue Lagoon – The Crystal Clear Waters in the Med
Discovering Comino This week our leisure team organised a tour of the island of Comino, which is located in between Malta and Gozo. Comino is […]

Autumn in Malta
Malta, known for its long and glorious summer, slowly begins to see the weather change around September / October time. Autumn in Malta is a […]

Merry Christmas from everyone at Maltalingua School of English
This is the perfect time of year to reflect on the whole of 2019 and to show appreciation. Appreciation to our students for trusting and […]

Trips Around the Maltese Islands
Malta is situated near Sicily and has two small islands just minutes away. Gozo and Comino are 2 small islands very close to Malta. If […]

How is learning English at Maltalingua and Diving the perfect combination?
Situated just five minutes walk from some of the most highly recognised diving schools in Malta, lies the classrooms of Maltalingua. This, as well as […]

7 best events in Malta – Autumn 2017
At Maltalingua we love to go to all the great events happening in September and October in Malta. We’ve used our insider knowledge to create […]

8 Best Events in Malta – Summer 2017
Summer is a fantastic time to be in Malta. The sea is warm, the sun shining and the islands have a really exciting energy, but […]

Merry Christmas from Maltalingua
We might not get any snow in Malta, but people here certainly now how to enjoy the holiday season. All the towns and villages are covered […]