Low Medium High (A1) A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Everybody enjoys a good meal in a nice restaurant. Especially when we’re on holiday! These […]

Talking about family English lesson and quiz
Difficulty Low Medium High A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 It’s important to be able to engage in small talk with other people about a […]

English Vocabulary – Feelings
Difficulty: Low Medium High A1 A2 B1 (B2) C1 C2 Read the following paragraphs and match them up to the correct […]
English Vocabulary – Word formation
Difficulty Low (Medium) High A1 A2 B1 (B2) C1 C2 In English when we add a suffix or a prefix to a word it […]
English vocabulary – Adjectives and prepositions
Difficulty Low (Medium) High A1 A2 (B1) B2 C1 C2 Below you’ll find a list of common adjectives and prepositions that usually follow them. interested […]

Functional English: After School Learning, not Detention
Maltalingua makes it a point to teach English professionally in the classroom, but also to include teachers and make English practice fun through an active […]
English vocabulary – Commonly confused words
Difficulty Low (Medium) High A1 A2 B1 (B2) C1 C2 Below there is a list of words which are often confused. Some of them have […]
English vocabulary – Money, money, money
Difficulty (Low) Medium High A1 (A2) B1 B2 C1 C2 Money – the one thing we cannot live without! We use money on a daily […]