Maltalingua makes it a point to teach English professionally in the classroom, but also to include teachers and make English practice fun through an active social programme for students.

So, another free late-afternoon lesson was planned for the students to practise English expressions in their free-time. But what should we focus on? Now that the temperature has dropped slightly, and students want to have a tasty hot meal in the evening, we decided to focus on useful expressions for ordering food at a restaurant.

With most of our students attending, and a teacher with big eyes for food, we had a series of role plays and key expressions and vocabulary that can be used when eating out.  Some of the group played the clients and others played the part of waiters or restaurant staff.  Fortunately, most of the clients really enjoyed their ‘meals’, but others were not impressed, and didn’t want to give any tips!

Students found it easy to interact and they asked a lot of questions.  It was also great to have a group of students from different levels of English, who actually taught each other and had real-life spontaneous conversation.

So why not try your own skills at expressions for eating out by visiting our blog and taking the quiz…

Written by: Katrin Risiott