Meet Louis from France, who came to Malta in July to take part in Maltalingua’s Junior Programme. Discover his experiences as a junior student at Maltalingua.

Hi, I am Louis from Strasbourg in France and I am 15 years old. I came to Maltalingua to improve my English and to have a good time by discovering Malta with lots of new friends.

When I arrived at the airport I was a bit nervous, but seeing someone from Maltalingua waiting for me, quickly turned that nervousness into excitement. We took a quick ride in a taxi to the Maltalingua Junior Residence where I started making new friends right away! At the residence, there were lots of other group leaders who are there for you all the time, for questions, or just to help. They are all really friendly!

My lessons were every morning throughout the week and started at 9am until 1pm. The teachers are really nice. I definitely saw some improvement in my English, and my parents have noticed too! The lessons at Maltalingua are very different from my lessons at school in France! The atmosphere is really friendly and fun, and it was not strict or serious like classes at school at home. It is really fun to learn English in such an interactive way. I really wasn’t expecting to speak as much English as I did every day!

Every afternoon we would go on some really fun activities after we had a lunch break every day altogether. Although Malta is small, there is SO MUCH to do! 

I really enjoyed going to the beaches to swim and play water sports. Malta gets very nice and hot in the summer, and cooling off in the sea feels lovely! Also, it was actually the first time I had ever played volleyball on the beach and gone kayaking in the sea! One of my favourite nights was karaoke night at the hotel. It was so funny and we didn’t stop laughing all night long! The Isle of MTV festival was super fun as well! 

On one of the last days, we went to the capital Valletta, and visited a 5D cinema. That was really cool and I learnt about Malta’s history and culture. I had never been to a 5D cinema before either, so it was a really fun experience. We walked a bit through Valletta and saw the cannon show. The cannons are one of the last ones in the world which are still active. That was amazing to watch. The boom from the cannon is really loud!
I wish I could have gone on the boat tour with my friends, but I would have missed my flight if I had gone! Definitely next time! I really want to come back next Summer, but this time I want to stay for 3 weeks!

The time passed by very fast, but it was a great experience that I will always remember and want to repeat. I will definitely stay in contact with all of my new friends. (….and I think it’s really cool that I have friends from all over the world now!)

Thank you Louis for sharing your experience with Maltalingua. We are so glad you had a good time here and wish you all the best for your future. We look forward to welcoming you back to Malta and to Maltalingua!

Would you like to have similar experiences like Louis as well? Whether you’re 8 or 80, we have the perfect course and experience waiting for you here in Malta with Maltalingua School of English!