Gozo is one of the places all our students want to visit all year round! Exploring the sister island of Malta is definitely a must during your stay. Here you can find out why Gozo is absolutely worth a visit:  

It is the second largest island in the Maltese archipelago and is situated to the northwest of Malta, separated by the island of Comino. From the ferry, you can see Comino’s Blue Lagoon very well. Especially in Winter and Spring, Gozo is the greenest island in the Maltese archipelago and remains a popular destination for tourists and locals alike.

Gozo is one of the best destinations for diving in the entire Mediterranean area and is worth visiting to experience nature and swim in crystal clear waters, but there are many other points worth seeing on the island.:

What you need to visit in Gozo 

Visit its capital Victoria. There you can explore for example the ancient Citadella. Entry to the church and its area is free. You could spend hours just exploring: the museum, shops, the path and narrow alleys around the church and especially the amazing view of all sites of Gozo. The city of Victoria is full of lovely restaurants, shops, and interesting, old architecture, where many of the old villages and cities are all well preserved. 

Explore the remains of the Azure Window on Gozo’s west coast. In 2017 the rocks of this “window” fell into the water due to erosion and natural causes. But it is still worth a visit! You get a great view of the coastal cliffs in both directions and can take a walk on this big platform which can be seen as one of the most scenic photo spots of Gozo and its cliffs. You can still see the Azure Window as well! Many diving tours are available to explore the collapsed window under the sea.

A boat trip around the cliffs of Gozo is always worth it. From a boat, you get a perfect impression of the unique cliffs and coastal rocks. Discover Dewjra Bay, where you can easily do a boat trip around some caves and see the remains of the Azure Window as well.  

The many churches in Gozo are definitely worth visiting. In nearly every small village on the island you can find one of these magnificent, lovingly maintained old churches. Some examples are: 

  • The Basilika Saint John Baptist in Xewkija 
  • Parish Church in Nadur  
  • St. Joseph’s Parish Church in Qala 
  • Church of the Madonna of Lourdes in Mgarr 

Every church you can find is unique, so discover them by yourself and you will see that every single one is different and spectacular in its own way.

Another travel tip is the village Marsalforn and its bay where you can find the salt pans where salt has been extracted for over 350 years. 

One last tip to visit is one of the beautiful beaches around Gozo. Here are some examples: 

  • Ramla Bay: a sandy beach is one of the most popular beaches in Gozo 
  • Xlendi Bay: a huge rocky beach with many platforms and options to go into the water 
  • Hondoq ir-Rummien: another rocky bay and perfect for snorkeling 
  • Mgarr Ix-Xini: perfect for snorkeling and climbing on the rocks 

Maltalingua’s trips to Gozo 

Maltalingua offers trips to Gozo every couple of weeks.  For us, it is important to show our students this beautiful sister island. 

Our journey starts in the morning with a bus trip to the ferry which takes us just under half an hour to the harbor in Gozo. There our tour guide Neville is waiting for us to get started. The trip continues on a bus to various stops. The first one is Dwejra Bay, where we have the opportunity to explore Gozo by boat. We then visited the capital of Gozo, Victoria, which starts with a guided tour around the centre of the city and ends with free time to explore the city for yourself. After this, the trip continues to Xlendi Bay, one of the beautiful beaches on Gozo. There we had the opportunity to go swimming in the sea, discover the rocks around the beach or visit one of the attractive restaurants directly on the beach. After enjoying the afternoon there, the school’s private transport took us back to the ferry.