Attention everyone! There are only 5 days left to enter our latest competition. If you do the quiz and leave the best comment you will win a free 2-week English course at Maltalingua with accommodation included! (THE COMPETITION IS FINISHED NOW)

We really appreciate people taking the time to do the quiz and leave comments. So far, we’ve had some great entries.

People have given lots of great reasons why they would like to improve their English at Maltalingua. Some of them mentioned that it would help them with work or university. Others wrote about how they would love to come to Malta, see the spectacular sights, swim in the clear blue sea and soak up some sunshine! (The weather in Malta right now is 26°C and sunny, I might go for a swim after school 😉 )

A few people have really put in a lot of hard work to make their entries stand out from the crowd. We wanted to share the most interesting and creative entries we’ve received so far to help inspire you!

We got this lovely picture from Dorota Bąkowska

 Dorota Bąkowska's hand painted competition entry


This adventurous video (which definitely doesn’t use any Photoshop) from Emilia Szyszko

Can you make a more creative and interesting entry than these people?
Can you get lots of people to like and share what you make? If yes, we’d love to see what you can do! Just go to our blog’s competition page, do the free quiz and post your comment at the bottom.

And remember, if you really want to come and learn English with us at Maltalingua, but don’t win the competition, we have -25% off our courses until the end of the year. And if you enter the competition you can get an extra -10% off too! (The -10% discount can also be used for 2016 courses).

Let us know what you think of these entries in the comments section below!