As the final week of the year comes to a close it is the perfect opportunity to reflect, look back on the year, and give thanks. What a year it has been! Maltalingua has been celebrating its 10-year anniversary throughout 2022, and we are delighted that over 3200 students (a new school record!) decided to walk through our doors this year and celebrate with us.
We would like to thank every single one of you who chose to study at our school and look forward to welcoming you back again very soon.
We would also like to thank all of our teachers who have been part of the Maltalingua family this year and all of our administration staff, managers, and interns who have worked incredibly hard, showing dedication and loyalty all year long and ensuring you have the best experience here possible.

Looking back over the year we are very proud that we were shortlisted for two ST Star Awards for the Language School Western Europe and Junior Courses for U18s categories. Maltalingua is the only school in Malta to have been nominated for these awards.
EducationStars awarded Maltalingua with a certificate of Excellence and one of our teachers was recognised as the most inspirational ELT professional in all of Malta.
Maltalingua was reaccredited by EAQUALS this year and received multiple points of excellence across multiple categories. It really has been an incredible year.
We closed this year with a wonderful student Christmas party. The staff at Maltalingua hand-made and cooked most of the food that was prepared and it was all served right here in the school. From egg salad sandwiches to tuna and mayonnaise rolls and quiché served along with some delicious mulled wine, minced pies, and chocolate. We freshly prepared the food together right before the party and had a fantastic turnout.

We also had a few students graduating and decided to have the graduation ceremony on the roof, which gave the students are better chance to say their goodbyes while enjoying some food. The interaction with students and staff was very heart-warming and enjoyable all around.

We would like to wish you, your family, friends, and loved ones a very merry Christmas and an even happier New Year. We hope you enjoy this holiday period and see this as a time for celebration, laughter, and joy with those you love the most.
Merry Christmas!
Your friends at Maltalingua