Good Day. Buenos dias. Bonjour. Buongiorno

My name is Dominik and I’m a 32-year old soldier from Germany. To change my everyday life and the way to improve even my English, I decided on a language trip to Malta. As you will see later, one of the best decisions of my life.

Arrived on the small Mediterranean island, brought by organized transfer to the nearby apartment. Here I opened my roommate with a friendly “bonjour” the door and told me the same with the most important information: the WiFi password! After the first sniff, I explored on foot the surrounding area and fell in love immediately in the vibrant island. At no corner a touch of boredom, faces from around the world and sun hours, of which one elsewhere can only dream about. But as I do of course I was not only there for holidays so, I prepared myself a little before the placement test for the following day.

After I was assigned to a class, we started immediately with the language that was to accompany me the next four weeks: English. Lo and behold, after a few days it was natural for me to use the language of the island. In addition to the school desk, obviously preoccupied me my leisure. And that was terrific. My school offered me an offer that I was hardly able to refuse. Ranging from cultural activities, like a visit to the former capital of Malta, Mdina – where it quite incidentally have the best chocolate cake in the world – to a nightly boat trip, during which I was able to forget the everyday life for a few hours. However, in the very first week I had the highlight party excellence: Malta’s Isle of MTV. This year there were Jason Derulo and Martin Garrix the stars of the show. However, one of my personal highlights was the evening in the Cafe del Mar. Good drinks, perfect sound, and a breath-taking view from the infinity pool. Of course, the numerous beaches like Golden Bay, Mellieha Beach or the small but fine bays along the island cannot be forgotten. Here I often found the perfect evening, with good friends, a volleyball and a cold Cisk.

However, I will conclude by saying that the love for Malta, not only because of stunning parties or the family environment, which exemplifies the school. It was in me, sparked by the many perfect moments which I had within four weeks. They are my personal pictures in the mind, which cannot be found on my iPhone just as well  as Facebook, that remind me of Malta and can look back with a smile. J