As a world language, it is undeniable that English skills are vital, whether in business or simply when travelling. English can help you to communicate with people from all over the world and can provide new opportunities and open doors to you which were previously closed. Whether it’s the chance to sign a contract with an overseas customer or the chance to make new friends from around the world, English conversation skills are a major advantage. But is there more to using a second language than simply conversation practice?

Of course speaking skills are important and, by extension, it’s vital to increase your vocabulary but an often-neglected skill when learning English is its grammar. Grammar rules are the building blocks of a language and learning and understanding why sentences are constructed in a certain way or how to conjugate verbs, position adverbs and form tenses can help you to achieve fluency in English a lot faster than simply by speaking. If you understand the principles of English, you can apply these principles to any new concepts that you learn, increasing your capacity for independent learning as well as your ability to communicate effectively in English. As with any new skill, it takes practice to master and there are a number of online resources to help you.

Our Spanish-speaking readers will find the following link useful.

And, some tips in English.

Master English grammar and couple this with conversation practice and you’ll be fluent in the language in no time.

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11 years ago

Hello, I am Joseph from Libya I am 15 years old I am a basketball player and I want to study English in Malta Can you help and tell me all cost

esl speaking
esl speaking
11 years ago

A wonderful blog for learning English in perfect way.Thanks for sharing this.

Niki Armstrong
Niki Armstrong
11 years ago

A perfect blog for learning English.