Here’s a chance to get insights into an English lesson at Maltalingua.

This blog will transport you to Malta and places you inside one of Maltalingua’s classrooms where you can participate in an adult English lesson with the advanced English level B1 class.

Here are some Insights into an English Lesson at Maltalingua

Maltalingua Classroom

Conversations and group work: 

Some students were waiting for the teacher to arrive in the classroom before nine in the morning. The teacher began the lesson when all 12 students showed up. The group activity “Food and Drink collocation dominoes” was designed as a warm-up for the lesson.

Students were sorted into groups of three and two words were sorted out together out of a collocation of many words. The students, working in groups of three, separated two words out of a collocation of numerous distinct word halves that together make one word.

Take the words “Caesar” and “salad” or “white” and “wine” as examples. The teacher went over everyone’s work on the whiteboard and corrected it. After the corrections, there was a discussion about some words because the words’ subject was food. Questions like “What are baked beans?” and “Who likes raw fish?” as well as “Who has tried spicy curry?” and “How do you make mashed potatoes?” are a few examples of queries that sparked lively discussions. Everyone shared a personal detail about their favourite foods and got to know one another better, which also created a very cosy atmosphere. Also, some student sentences were written on the whiteboard during the conversation so that the grammar could be checked later. 


After 1,5 hours of lessons, there was a thirty minute break. In the second half of the morning lessons, some grammar was covered: the second conditional.

Second conditionals are used to express possible or imagined situations. They consist of an “If clause” and a “consequence or result clause”. For a whole sentence, you need to put “If” + a subject + a verb in the past and put a “would”, “could”, and “might” + an infinitive at the other half of the sentence. The consequence clause explains the imagined result. 

These kinds of sentences are used to express situations that are impossible to change or which are not going to take place. But enough theory. A few examples and exercises to practice the grammar followed. 


If you weren’t on a diet, you wouldn’t be so hungry now.

If you weren’t hungry now, you wouldn’t have to eat chips. 


To practice the theory a few exercises were on the schedule. For the first one, there should be some correct options of verbs chosen to create a grammatically correct sentence. The second exercise was to correct some incorrect sentences. After that, the class played an online game where the students had to sign in with their phones. There were options for correct words which complete the given sentence. But just one option is right. An example is a sentence: “Andrea…a colour, she…pink.” Options for the two missing words were: “Was, would be”, “Is, would”, “would be, is”. In the end, the 3 best students were announced. 

Now you have got first impressions about how the lessons at Maltalingua work. There are many different kinds of lessons at Maltalingua and with different levels. So, there is a perfect English course for everyone!  

Explore our English courses or request a free quotation, so you can improve your English here at Maltalingua.

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