My first day. I came from 6 degree cold Hamburg to 35 degree hot Malta. After a few minutes of waiting for another student, our taxi driver brought us to our apartments. In Malta, for us “normal” Europeans, the Maltese drive on the wrong side, but not my driver. He drove wherever it was free of cars, on both sides. After three heart attacks, I was by the door of my apartment. The apartment is very big and is in a good position (I can see the sea from my balcony). Other things that shocked me were the beaches. The rocky beaches are nice too, but after a while lying there, you get back problems!
For all the people who want to visit Malta, I suggest you go to Golden Bay, it’s wonderful to lie on the warm sand and drink a cold drink, like a Maltese beer called Cisk, and eat some watermelon. However if you want my advice, don’t drink Kinnie (local soft drink), it’s horrible! But now back to the apartment and my school. My nice apartment is next to many restaurants, the reason why I’m getting fat. My school is 4 minutes and 20 crazy Maltese car drivers away. The best things at school are the pool on the roof and the breaks. I like all the teachers I had and I have improved my English very much. I also like the organization staff, who plan very good activities for the students like dinner in an old Maltese restaurant or playing soccer. And they help you to organize your own things, like the football match in my first blog. Now, it’s October, I can still swim in the sea. If I go in the sea back in Germay this time, I will die of hypothermia. I can lie on the beach here and relax after a fun day at school. I can remember my first time in Paceville, after a Pub crawling tour with a teacher from our school (James). Paceville is a place, that you either love or hate. But I don’t want to speak about Paceville, because you must see this for yourself and build your own opinion.
Malta has a lot of places you must see, like azure window in Gozo or the blue grotto or Popeye village. However I will write about places of interests in my next blog.
See you soon on Malta.