How would you end a hot and tiring week? At the Great Farsons Beerfest of course! And that’s exactly what we did!
Our teachers and managers were really looking forward to the event, and, were hoping that the students were too. I guess that the turn out spoke for itself… 29 Maltalingua students were queuing outside the school doors half an hour before the arranged meeting time! We were all surprised to see how excited all of these students were to get on the minivans and enjoy themselves in the company of other students and members of staff.
Three vans were packed with students and staff, all eager to reach Ta’ Qali Park and enter the gates of the Great Farsons Beerfest, listen to the upbeat jazz tunes at the main stage, head bang to the strumming sounds of the guitars at the rock stage, munch on snacks at the food stalls, and most importantly, have a nice refreshing cold beer… local of course!
As soon as we walked through the entrance, most of the students disappeared and so did one of our teachers, Michaela, who happened to meet her friends there. I was left with one of the managers, Susanne, and a few students who I guess were either scared of losing us or just enjoying our company. Well, at least I hope it was the latter.
Yutaka, one of our students, led us to a packed bar and together we queued to buy a fair share of beers that lasted the whole night through. After that, we made our way towards the main stage and danced to the lively jazz music, played by a 14 man band, called The Big Band Brothers, which are famous in Malta for entertaining the old and young with internationally known tunes.
While we were enjoying ourselves, we were interrupted by a young lady who gave us helium balloons. Another student, Dino, decided to humour us by inhaling helium and speaking in a high pitched voice. Everybody, including myself had a go and we were in fits of laughter. Too bad that most of the students couldn’t witness it, but I am sure that they were having fun elsewhere.
Later on, we met Michaela near the rock stage and unfortunately, it was time to make our way back outside the Ta’ Qali Park and wait for our buses to take us back to the school. Students reluctantly got on the buses and were not so keen on returning home, so they came up with the idea of extending the fun over another round of drinks in Paceville.
It was certainly an eventful day, and as the old saying goes, all good things come to an end. Too bad I can’t turn back the clock to relive the exciting evening! It will definitely be a memory I’ll cherish forever!
written by Katrin Risiott
i like malta